Deborah Schulman, Ph.D. | Faculty
Professor of Biology
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Austin Hall
Austin Hall 217
What makes Lake Erie College a unique place?
The personal attention provided to the students at LEC sets us apart from larger universities. Professors grade all student work and personally design and oversee all laboratory experiences. Students are not put into the hands of teaching assistants. This creates a more interactive experience for the student. In addition, these same professors are responsible for advising and providing one-on-one guidance to the students. This, along with the small class sizes, give the Lake Erie College campus a family type of feel. Our alumni frequently come back to visit and recreate that feeling.
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
B.S., SUNY at Buffalo
Courses Taught:
BI 101 - Introductory Biology I
BI 102 - Biology II
BI 203 - Cell and Molecular Biology
BI 301 – Genetics
BI 205 – Microbiology
BI 230 - Human Nutrition
CH 302 - Biochemistry; Immunology (in preparation)
Research/Creative Activity Interests:
Primary focuses
Cell and Molecular Biology
Science writing editor/owner
Director of the Water Quality Testing Lab (in partnership with LCGHD)
Coordinator for Small World Initiative Research
Awards/Professional Memberships:
Director Lake Erie College Honors Program
Honorary member of Mortar Board
Member AAAS
Career Accomplishments:
Developed a course in Human Genetics and Genomics for the newly accredited Physician’s Assistant program.
Was part of a collaborative effort that resulted in LEC receiving funding from the Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) as part of their Improving Teacher Quality State Grants Program.
The grant provides funding for continuing education opportunities and equipment to teachers from local high need schools.